Teachers and parrents

Features of the greatest commno divisor

  1. GCD(a,a) = a - idempotent
  2. GCD(a,b) = GCD(b,a) - commutativeness
  3. GCD(a,GCD(b,c)) = GCD(GCD(a,b),c) - associativity
  4. GCD(a,b) . lcm(a,b) = a . b (lcm is least common multiple)


The greatest common divisor (labeled as GCD) of the two integers is the largest number that divides both integers completely, ie. the largest number by which both integers are divisible.

For example: GCD(48,90) = 6


How much is GCD(32,47)?

Your answer:

GCD(32,47) = ________.


How much is GCD(32,47)?

Your answer:

GCD(32,47) = 1.

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